Monday, July 11, 2011

Some FUN auditions and new website this month!

Hope you're having a great day! I've been doing a lot of work lately to get my marketing materials snazzed up. I'll be getting some new headshots soon, after fixing a crown in my smile. And, my sweetie has been redesigning my official website to make it current. I'll be able to blog from my website and upload my iphone videos right from there. I have some fun videos for "Joan Blair In Hollywood" a new web-show that I'm developing.

AND, it's been a great month of fun auditions! I had the privilege of auditioning for the new Batman film. It was a hoot! It's pretty top-secret, so I can't tell you anything else. And, I auditioned for an Indie Thriller film. It was a crazy audition because I had to act as if I were being shocked with electrodes on my head. Then, I had to act as if I was being stabbed in the leg with an ice pick. Lovely!!! But, it was a great challenge for me, as an actress. I also auditioned for a couple of new TV Pilots. So, we'll see what happens!

I'll keep you posted for the launch of my new official website!
Have a great week!


Alicia said...

The "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" video is great. Wonderful to watch. Have them sing another song. They could become the "Singing Trio". Love, Alicia

Joan Blair said...

Thanks so much! I am glad you watched the video of the kids singing.