Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm back to my blog now that I have a Google account!

Wow! It's been a few years since I posted here. I started doing Myspace instead, then Facebook, now Twitter. But, now that Blogspot is under Google, it's much more compatible with the other Social Media sites. So, I'll start blogging here.

The Social Media revolution is amazing! I can't believe how much people depend on the web and cell phones. I fought getting a Smart phone, because I didn't want to lose the human connection. In my acting class, I find that SO many young actors are SO distracted. It really hurts their work to be SO attached to texting and a cell phone. Many of them have the attention span of a lizard! We need to find a healthy balance.

SO much has happened since I've been gone. I started having gall bladder problems a couple of years ago. So, I finally had it removed last summer. I lost a lot of weight and I feel so much better now. I've modified my diet to be much healthier and I feel great!
I've had lots of auditions over the last year. I'll start posting some of the memorable ones, as I think of them. Yesterday, I had two great auditions. One was for the Pilot "Danni Lowenski." It was a lot of fun! Then, I auditioned for Jamie Foxx's new show, "Anthology Night Tales." It's like a Hitchcock- Tales From the Crypt. It should be a lot of fun. I really hope I book it! I LOVE Jamie. I worked on his show years ago. I played a lady in a pink ballet tutu with a dancing dog, also in a tutu. Jamie and I improv-ed and had a blast! Have a great night! Talk to you soon! Joan